Thursday 26 November 2015

Making a Decision

When deciding which one of my adverts to use and which digipak to use, it was clear that the second ideas created a more obvious link to my music video. The second idea also included more conventions and links to the genre. I also preferred the whole composition and layout of this advert and digipak; the simplicity of it was very effective. I feel the colours worked a lot better.

However, based on the feedback that I received, I am planning to add an image of the younger girl to the centre of the top three panels, inside the bandstand. I feel like this simple detail would add a lot more meaning to the digipak. It may be possible to use a frame from the music video for this.

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Digipak Idea 2

My idea for this digipak includes a single image for the top three sections, although this is very simplistic I think that it could be very effective and using the bandstand would create a clear link to my music video. I also used both girls in this digipak to show the clear link to the music video, but also because it connotes the same idea of a journey but particularly growing up.  I plan to use a very vibrant colour scheme.

Saturday 14 November 2015

Digipak Idea 1

My idea for this digipak was to have a clear theme of pathways, connoting the idea of a journey which is also present in the music video. My initial idea was to have a very simplistic colour scheme, possibly ‘black and white’.

Thursday 12 November 2015

Analysis Summary

After looking at two different CD covers from the genre of music that I am working with, it is obvious that there are certain themes and conventions that run within the indie/pop genre. Both adverts were very simplistic with colours that they used and with the actual layout and frames used.

Both adverts do not seem to have a string influence off of the rule of thirds; however I feel that this works in their favour to draw the audience to the advert.

Thursday 5 November 2015

Magazine Advert Analysis

Magazine Advert Analysis - Ben Howard

Magazine Advert Analysis

I am going to look at and analyse two different magazine adverts, advertising an album from the genre of music that I am focusing on, one being my artist’s album advert. Doing this will help me to create a clear idea of how to link an advert to a CD and also demonstrate to me how to use style, composition, representations, colour and what information needs to be provided. This will help me to effectively create my own advert.