Wednesday 21 October 2015

Editing Update - Filter

Finally I decided to add this 'violet' filter to the whole product. This was a last minute decision that I made after experimenting with other filters. I think that it creates a more appropriate and sad atmosphere for the video which fits the song very well, however it works well with the flowers in the video to further highlight there colours and make them more prominent in the shots.  With the filter there are a lot more shadows which I think adds focus to both the girl and the flowers. I also think that without the filter (bottom image) the footage looks a lot brighter and over exposed therefore the filter softens this and makes it more solemn.  

Editing Update - Letterboxing

I decided to letterbox my final product as I think that it gives a more professional and complete look to the product. 

Editing Update - Stabilization

Although it wasn't completely necessary, I have stabilized all of my footage to ensure it is to the best quality that it can be. I decided to do this after I had stabilized a couple of the shots and saw the significant difference that it had made. 


Tuesday 20 October 2015

Editing Update - Black Frames

One of the final thing that I did was to zoom in on the footage and makes sure that there was no black frames throughout the music video, to do this I slightly adjusted the length of some shots. However I still ensured that the shots showed the correct part of footage.


Thursday 8 October 2015

Editing Update - Timing

 It was vital to make the timing of the song as accurate as I could, therefore I repeatedly re-watched the whole product and made different clips faster or slower in order to match the beat and song progression.

Editing Update - Combing the footage

In order to combine the footage of the two different girls I decided to use motion of a zoom in and out that I had previously filmed but hadn't used. I think that it works well in establishing that it is the same girl.
I reversed the second zoom so that it zoomed out and place the two clips as accurately as I could to make it seem like the same shot. 


Editing Update - Adding New Footage

 I have imported all of the new footage that I have filmed and I am beginning to put it into the correct order and time it correctly to the music.
 As I am putting the new footage in the correct order and timing it at the same time it is difficult to add all of the shot that I desire to use into the space that I had previously reserved for the footage. 
 I have made of the shots a lot shorter now, however I feel that this is a beneficial decision, as having more shots will make the narrative clearer. Also these shots fit very well to the beat of the music and this was one of  my main aims following the first cut.