Monday 1 February 2016

Evaluation: Question 4

How did you use ‘New Media Technologies’ in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stages?

When answering question four I chose to use Padlet as it is an interactive format and allows me to present a wide range of information clearly. This format shows a clear structure to my answer, whilst also allowing the viewer to explore the text freely.

*when viewing this presentation do not click on the text boxes, only use the slide bars on the right hand side and across the bottom*

Evaluation: Question 3

What did you learn from audience feedback?

I chose to use a visual and audio format for my question three evaluation because this allows me to expand fully on my answer and explain in detail, with visuals for the viewer to see, therefore providing a clear response.

Evaluation: Question 2

How effective are the combination of your ancillary texts and main product?

I have used Prezi for evaluation question two because it allows me to clearly structure my answer and embed other formats to justify what I have said; I was confident using this format and could use it effectively. This format also allows an interactive experience for the viewer; they can zoom in to any embedded images or videos in order to make them clear, therefore showing the direct link to the text.

Evaluation: Question 1

In what ways does your product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media texts?

I chose to use Slide share for evaluation question one because it allows me to clearly separate different sections of my answer, this was important because I could include a greater amount of detail but also be concise, whilst also having a clear layout. I am also very familiar with this format therefore I was able to use the format confidently and efficiently.