Tuesday 29 September 2015

First Cut

After editing the eldest and youngest girls parts I showed my peers in order to get feedback on my overall editing so far and so that I could have help to link the two parts together, as i feel that the third girls part is now irrelevant, after having changed the actors, because they don't have enough similarities in appearance. .

Saturday 19 September 2015

Editing Update - Reverse

I copied the opening shot of the music video to the end of the music video and reversed it and slowed it down. I think that this will give a sense of completion at the end of the product and signify to the audience that it is the end. This also supports the cyclic pattern of the whole music video. 

Friday 18 September 2015

Editing Update - Timing

In my original idea I wanted a lot of slow motion footage, as it was a convention from the genre that I making, and I feel that it will fit the song very well, as well as add emotion to the product. Here I am beginning to slow clips down and cut them after they've been slowed, as I have to take into consideration that a slow clip will take up more space on my timeline.

I began by using the the automatic timings set on Final Cut Pro, however I found that some of these were not slow enough, or did not quite fit the timing of the song, therefore i began to slow down the clips to very precise timings, trialing each one and gradually slowing them down and cutting them.

Thursday 17 September 2015

Editing Update - Ordering the footage

 I began to place my footage and order it in to the correct timeline following the basic outline of the shooting script. I also cut the clips to approximately the correct length as I added it to ensue that the final product wouldn't be too long with all of the intended shots.

Editing Update - Importing Footage

I began by importing all of the footage from my camera onto Final Cut Pro, which is the editing software that I will be using. I imported it in 1080p which is the correct resolution that I filmed in. 

Friday 11 September 2015

Reflection on Filming

Filming Plan

Detailed Planning - Costume

Girl 1 

 IN THE PARK - I chose a leopard print dress because it would make the girl stand out, therefore the audience will pay attention to her, making it obvious that she is the focal point of the scene.  A dress like this would also connote innocence.

HOUSE – I chose a neutral coloured relaxed dress for this scene as I think that it will make the flower stand out more, but is still relates to the idea of innocence.

Girl 2

STAIRS – Having the girl in a little black dress, makes the girl seem more mature and grown up, therefore connoting independence. The dress however still connotes innocence

Girl 3

OUTSIDE – I chose to have the girl in a very formal navy dress in this scene because it connotes elegance and maturity and importantly looks like the girl is going to formal event or location

INSIDE – The girl is going to have very relaxed costume here, however with bold colours o make her stand out. The colour swill be very autumnal to link to the end scene if the video, outside, and it will also make her more prominent in the shots.


The boy will wear formal clothing, for example a shirt, as it will make him look older and more mature.


The father figure will have smart casual outfit as it will make him stand out in the video. Being in a more formal outfit will make it appear that him and the girl are going somewhere purposely.

Detailed Planning - Props

Flower – I will use multiple flowers in the video at different stages of growth, this is the main aspect of the video and is important in order to highlight the stage and changes throughout life and growth.
I am planning to use a pink rose, as it expresses love promise and hope; these are key themes in my music video.

Watering can – I will use a single watering can throughout the video as it makes it more obvious that it is the same girl using it. This will also highlight the cyclic pattern in the video.

Detailed Planning - Equiptment

I will be using the Panasonic HDC SD60 video camera to record my footage as it allows me to record in 1080p therefore resulting in high quality footage.


I will use two tripods to support my camera whilst filming. I will use the extending one as it ensures that the stationary shots have no movement and when filming my handheld shot, it adds weight to the camera and therefore helps with stability.
I will use the Gorillapod when filming shots in my car, or that are from angles that are not easily accessible; as it is flexible I can attach it to objects of any shape to secure my camera.

Detailed Planning - Lighting

Throughout my music video I plan to use all natural lighting as it will provide high quality footage. I also hope that it will provide sufficient lighting, as having natural light will make the video more realistic.

As I plan to film during the day, when it is sunny, the bright lighting will hopefully make my video seem more uplifting and vibrate, therefore suggesting positivity and hope to the audience.