Friday 11 September 2015

Detailed Planning - Costume

Girl 1 

 IN THE PARK - I chose a leopard print dress because it would make the girl stand out, therefore the audience will pay attention to her, making it obvious that she is the focal point of the scene.  A dress like this would also connote innocence.

HOUSE – I chose a neutral coloured relaxed dress for this scene as I think that it will make the flower stand out more, but is still relates to the idea of innocence.

Girl 2

STAIRS – Having the girl in a little black dress, makes the girl seem more mature and grown up, therefore connoting independence. The dress however still connotes innocence

Girl 3

OUTSIDE – I chose to have the girl in a very formal navy dress in this scene because it connotes elegance and maturity and importantly looks like the girl is going to formal event or location

INSIDE – The girl is going to have very relaxed costume here, however with bold colours o make her stand out. The colour swill be very autumnal to link to the end scene if the video, outside, and it will also make her more prominent in the shots.


The boy will wear formal clothing, for example a shirt, as it will make him look older and more mature.


The father figure will have smart casual outfit as it will make him stand out in the video. Being in a more formal outfit will make it appear that him and the girl are going somewhere purposely.

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