Friday 11 September 2015

Detailed Planning - Locations


I have decided to use the location of a public park because a public place, with other people around, would make the music video much more inviting and positive. In this location, as it is outside there is a lot of wildlife, which is ideal for my idea and as it is a very open space it connotes the idea of freedom which is the representation of the young girl. 


I decided to use the living room area inside of a house
because I think this is a very family orientated room and having scenes inside, in a relatable location, makes the video more personal. 


I have decided to use a road side location for the final scene as it provides a contrast to the first scene as it is very isolated space. I also thought that the locations provided calm atmosphere and could be seen as a sentimental location.


I decided to use the location of a stairway in a house because being inside a home makes it more personal. Stairs often connote a journey or movement in emotion, getting higher or lower, which is a parallel to the atmosphere that I’m trying to develop in my video.


I have decided to use the location of a bedroom because it is a very personal place and the intended narrative of my music video is emotional and personal, therefore I thought that this 
was an appropriate location. Also the bedroom is a 
comfortable and relaxed place which makes it more natural and comfortable for the girl. The room is a very neutral colour so makes the girl and flower stand out. 

I am using the sink area of a kitchen because t is an appropriate and accessible location with good lighting, being next to the window, therefore it will enhance the colours in the shots that I use and make intended props (the watering can) stand out; as well as enhancing the quality of my footage.    

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